I think these are so sweet. They are like the grown-up version of the ones you make in school as children.
As a child (and still now) my favourite Christmas decoration was my mom's little village and she always let me (or I just took over) set it all up any way I liked. I would engineer that little city like a professional planner making decisions about which building should go where. Does it make sense that the barber go on the edge of town? Will anyone visit? It's very far to walk there etc…and so on until I had the thing laid out on the mantel complete with the sparkling fake snow that depleted each year. Now that I have my own house, and no village, I have had to come up with creative (inexpensive) ways to create one. And so over the last couple of years I have collected little things from gift shops and antique stores to create a tiny little make-shift version of my childhood fantasies.
I made something like this (pictured above) last year, only mine didn't light up because I didn't have the white twinkle lights. This year my goal is to have a little lit city!
Simple yet beautiful! Will go perfect on a side table. Just need to find some floating candles.
I have some large pine cones I bought somewhere one year and I have never known what to do with them……so now I have a vision. I am going to hang them on my fire place…which sadly has no mantle. So it needs some love. Some Pine Cone love!
Every year I say I want to do gingerbread houses and every year I don't do it. Not since 2005! So seeing how i have a bit of time off, I think this is the year. I want to do a European one this year….so no colourful child-like candy or anything…just simple, white icing, powdered sugar, and an adorable little cinnamon log stack.
Making these is actually quite simple, just takes a bit of time to freeze! Fun for the porch or deck, especially for a Christmas Party!
Happy Christmas Decorating Everyone!