Thursday, September 26, 2013

Meet the Artist: Jane Isakson

This afternoon I had the pleasure of standing amongst some beautiful pieces of the Canadian artist and former biathlete, Jane Isakson. All the pieces in From  the Outer Edges exhibition were acrylic on canvas and they were inspired by three different National parks in Canada; Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Ivvavik National Park in the Yukon, and Gwaii Haanas National Park in Haida Gwaii. Many of her pieces feature geometric shapes that make up her beautiful landscapes. It is evident in her work that she has a love for colour....which portrays light, contrast, realism, and of course emotion. Some of her art also features some beautiful Aboriginal aspects and even colour patterns. The paintings give you that feeling that you are there experiencing the landscape and really make you consider the perspective....which I think the artist had intended. 

I would highly recommend going to the Two Rivers Gallery and taking a look. September 29th is the last day the exhibition is on. I had wonderful company with me...which is a neat experience because you can share your feelings and ideas about each piece with your friend. But if you are to go alone I would recommend bringing some really awesome music and slowly walking through (maybe some Sigur Ros?) thinking about each piece. Putting music to gallery art is always nice. 

Sky House of SGang Gwaay 


  1. I will definitely make time to go to the Two Rivers Gallery this weekend. I love finding new Canadian artists. I think it's really important to show our students that artists live and work in Canada and that art doesn't just come from New York and Paris. This reminds me a bit of the Group of Seven.

  2. I agree with Nicole--teaching kids about Canadian artists is SO important! I remember being a kid and finding out a famous singer or actress was from Canada and thinking that was "so cool!" because Canadians weren't often famous. I was so wrong! Canada has produced so many people who are famous for so many things, but if we don't learn about them, we won't realize they're Canadian.

  3. So true Ladies! If you go this weekend there are three other exhibits: one is called the Shape of Place by David Alexander (not quite my style or colour preference but a very talented artist!) and also one outdoors called Fallen Sky by Nora Curiston. And there is some Cake art by a local artist...and some really neat stuff of food and well worth the visit!

  4. Ah...wish I had gone! Thanks for the tip. Wouldn't it be neat to do a geography/art unit based on Canada's national parks? This artist would certainly be one to include.
